RAKU Ceramics Class (Beginner & Returning)
RAKU Ceramics Class (Beginner & Returning)
This class will focus on Raku firing, an alternative firing process where pieces are removed from the kiln around 1800*F and placed in a “reduction chamber” filled with carbon-based materials which will give smoky colorations and patterns. The results are atmospheric and difficult to control, making it an exciting and dynamic process. Students will be glazing & firing pieces made by Hacienda Clay&Kiln staff and will be able to take their pieces home at the end of the class!
Health & Safety - Protective gear (gloves & tongs) will be provided, but students will need to wear closed-toed shoes, have long hair tied back, and avoid loose-fitting clothing which may get caught on items in the kiln yard.
- Classes will be charged individually at $75/person
- Tools & glazes will be included
- Class is limited to 10 students; 3 students needed to fill class
- Students will either use provided raku-ready, bisque pieces (made by Clay+Kiln staff) OR bring their own bisque (no porcelain)
Tentative Class Schedule:
- 15 mins - arrival & check-in
- 30 mins - overview & demo
- 30 mins- glazing & loading kiln
- 1 hour break for lunch while firing takes place
- 30 mins- firing completes & ware is cooled
- 30 mins - unloading ware, cleaning of pieces, show & tell, studio clean-up
Please cancel 14 days prior to first class for full refund. If canceled after 14 days refund will be determined if class is filled. Thank you for understanding.
Release Form (Must be signed before class)